
heal &


through the art

of storytelling

Tell your own story.

Storytelling education and mentorship that empowers individuals.

Collaborate together.

Supporting communities and organizations in telling their most important stories.

Impact community.

Creating change by amplifying and giving a platform to community voices.

Little Globe’s multi-generational team works with individuals and organizations to tell their own stories. Through partnerships, we provide tools, programs, training, and platforms to co-create and share artistic works with the wider world.

Our collaborative process models a community in which everyone is seen and heard.

Recent Projects

  • Community Storytellers

    A 12 week community storytelling and filmmaking training program

  • Newcomers Program

    Recently immigrated students at Capital High School learn to tell their stories through film

  • Convivio Southside

    A community-driven pop-up civic center for and by the Southside community

Our Supporters

Little Globe is supported by generous local and national organizations and donors.

  • "Wow, I am blown away by how much I learned, the friendships that I have made, and the safe and creative space that came to be."

    Terry Ngo - Community Storytellers Participant