Know Your Rights + Immigration Resources
We Have Rights
A page with animated videos educating all people of their rights and how to behave when documenting an arrest, being arrested, etc)
Emergency Plan Template - ESPAÑOL
Emergency Plan Template - ENGLISH
Emergency Plan Templates to help people prepare in the event that they are detained to make it easier for someone they trust and lawyers to have all the information they may need to locate them and help submit any paperwork necessary for their release.
Deportation Defense
A page with more info on people’s rights, with printable documents in many languages
Red cards
Printable template of the red cards in many languages to pass out and help people remember their rights or so they can hand them to the officers so the officers can read the rights they are exercising by remaining silent, documenting the interaction, and deny any unlawful searches or entrance, etc.
U.S. Passports, Immigration Forms, and Documents for Trans, Non-binary, and Intersex People
Immigration Equality, in collaboration with Oasis Legal Services and National Immigrant Justice Center, published an FAQ which provides important information concerning passports and immigration related identity documents in the wake of President Trump’s Executive Order targeting transgender, nonbinary, and intersex communities.